Nowadays, nearly everyone owns a smartphone. Android currently powers over 70% of the smartphones’ market in the world. That explains why the need for Android applications has been increasing, especially in the recent years.

Most people acknowledge that it’s much convenient to find products, shop online, and learn about brands using their mobile devices. That has prompted businesses to invest in Android app development. In turn, they’re able to establish and enhance an online presence. And, no company wants to be left behind while other rival brands advance.

Below is a case study on how Android app development can benefit businesses, boosting their revenues and, as a result, achieving tremendous growth.

Matt’s Auto Garage is an automotive service company that’s headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with branches spread across 30 other states. Matt, the owner, takes great pride in his venture.

He has recently launched an Android app which has enabled his company to provide a more enhanced customer experience. As a result, his business turnover has tripled, gaining great popularity across different states. He attributes most of the firm’s success to the integration of the Auto Garage app.

Android App as a Marketing Tool

Android is unarguably among the most popular software platforms for both tablets and smartphones. And, that’s not bound to change anytime soon. Android apps are a cost-effective form of marketing.

Matt’s Android app has helped him generate a huge customer base. Google Play Store incorporates multiple, helpful options which Matt employs to further expand his firm’s discoverability. And, that has only translated to significant business growth.

Simple Integration

Integrating an Android app with a business current operations is simple. This platform’s simplicity opens up lots of capabilities. For instance, Matt had his app custom-designed for the firm’s off-site representatives across the different states.

There’s still quite a lot to gain from top quality Android apps. Company can also incorporate a customized application to help develop a ticket system or enhance the workforce’s profitability.

Increased Return-on-Investment (ROI)

The resources needed for development of Android apps are readily available, credit to the Operating System’s unrestricted attribute. Besides, Android apps have been proven to be relatively cheaper to develop than those based on most other operating systems.

What used to need hundreds and thousands of dollars (sometimes millions) to develop and hundreds each month for maintenance has dropped to comfortably affordable levels. The investment you’ll make here is notably low, especially when compared to the returns you’ll earn.

Matt has been using the Google Play Store’s highlights to his company’s advantage for quite affordable fees. He acknowledges that his firm has had significant growth since he launched the Auto Garage app.

Business owners ought to consider incorporating Android apps if they want to stay ahead of the competition. They’re likely to attain a high ROI when compared to the amount they will spend on app development.

Enhanced Customer/Client Engagement

Matt has been capitalizing on the Android app platform to easily engage clients in real-time. He’s adamant that customers are likely to remain loyal if their issues are noted and attended to in real time.

People find it simple, convenient, and fast to make use of Android apps. You can incorporate an app that features a customized, user-friendly interface geared specifically towards achieving an enhanced customer experience. In turn, you get to boost customer engagement and improve retention rates, in addition to delivering a solid online presence.

Android-based applications are unarguably dedicated to making things simpler for customers. They help streamline the customer’s purchasing process and automate multiple routine tasks. You can achieve even more, too, by investing in a dedicated app that’s personalized, more responsive, and interactive.

Summing Up

Just like Matt, a business venture can capitalize on Android app development to enhance its growth, irrespective of that business’ size. It’s an idea worth considering, especially if you want your company to make even more money.

Yes, you might not need to invest a considerable deal of money in contracting an Android app developer. But, you’ll need to opt for skilled and experienced app developers. We, for instance, boast a committed team of Android app developers. Give us a call today and let us guide you to the Android market.

Have a great day and plan your time!

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